Please complete the application below. The fee for each 10x10 space is $25.00. Payment is due via Venmo @LibertyChapel-WomensMinistry or via cash paid at Liberty Chapel Church. Once payment is received, the event coordinator Eva Banuelos will contact you to confirm your reservation.  

Food Item and Non-Food Items are accepted. All food items must contain a permit from the health department. 

10x10 Fundraising Space

Organization Contact Information

Misc. Information

Tip: Please initial

Each participant is responsible for bringing their own tables (maximum: 2 – 6-foot tables) and canopy or tent. Please note that electrical outlets are not available. All food items must contain a permit from the health department. Music is prohibited. Participants can begin setting up at 8:00 AM and must be off grounds by 4:00 PM. Sell times will be from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Event space location is on a first come first served basis, please contact the onsite event coordinator (Eva Banuelos) on the day of the event to request your location. Registration fees are non-refundable. If you have any questions, please contact our church office at (831)678-2885 or via email at Your registration confirms consent to these conditions.

Thank you.